Thursday Aug 16, 2018
Thursday Aug 16, 2018
In this podcast I am speaking to Coach & Manager at Mike Boyle Strength & Conditioning and Owner of Movement as Medicine, Kevin Carr. I really enjoyed this episode with Kevin as it built nicely on the back of the previous episode where I was interviewed by Brett Bartholomew. A lot of what Kevin and I discussed was like music to my ears as I think it's essential to hear of how a strength coach like him has built a really successful business and has diversified so well. As well as all the business development chat, there is also plenty of talk in there about how Kevin coaches a huge variety of populations and how his language, demonstrations and education differs. Enjoy.
In this episode, you will learn -
- Who is Kevin Carr (background, education & current role)
- Day/week in the life on Kevin Carr
- General population vs professional athletes
- Language
- Demonstration
- Education
- Private sector vs pro/collegiate setting
- Lifestyle
- Work life balance
- Working with Mike Boyle
- Biggest lessons learnt from Mike
- Working in ice hockey
- Strategies to keep players on the ice
- Industry changes
- Expectations as a coach
- Pressures as a coach
- Tips for coaches wanting to get in
Kevin can be found on Twitter @CoachKevinCarr and on Instagram @movementasmedicine
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Aug 23, 2018
Thursday Aug 23, 2018
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Head Performance & Strength & Conditioning Coach at the Sacramento Kings, Ramsey Nijem. Ramsey has spoken at a number of events over the summer on the topic of training load monitoring in the NBA so I thought it would be great to build on hem insights in a podcast. He has recently completed his doctorate on the same subject and it was great to get his insights into the NBA. Enjoy.
In this episode, you will learn -
- Who is Ramsey Nijem (background, education and current role)
- Weight room
- Managing loads in season
- Use of technology
- Identifying and mitigating common injury risk factors
- Sports science in the US
- Where has it come from?
- Where is it going?
- On court
- Keeping players who don't get minutes fit & fresh
- Use of technology to manage workloads
Ramsey can be found on Twitter @drramseynijem
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com
Thursday Aug 30, 2018
Thursday Aug 30, 2018
In this podcast I am speaking to Sports Scientist and S&C Coach, Martin Buchheit and Sports Scientist & Researcher, Paul Laursen. This episode was the second for both these guys. Martin joined me in episode #167 and Paul joined me alongside his colleague, Dan Plews in episode #113. However, to get two guys on together who are the world leaders when it comes to high intensity interval training (HIIT), was an absolute pleasure. As well as giving us some fantastic information on how we can build a conditioning programme around HIIT, they both gave us an insight into some really interesting plans which they have coming down the track, starting with HIITScience.com. Enjoy.
In this episode, you will learn -
- Who is Martin Buchheit & Paul Laursen (background, education & current role)
- HIITSscience
- Building a conditioning programme around HIIT
- Traditional HIIT methods
- Manipulation of variables and effects
- Concurrent training
- HIIT and response to load
Martin can be found on Twitter @mart1buch and Paul can be found on Twitter @paulblaursen
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Sep 06, 2018
Thursday Sep 06, 2018
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Technical Lead for Performance at Surrey Sports Park, James Wild. James first appeared on the podcast in episode #64 where he absolutely SMASHED it. Believe me, this episode is no different and dare I say it, even better. There is so much information in this episode its untrue and if you are interested in sprinting for team sports, this one is for you. Enjoy.
In this episode, you will learn -
- Who is James Wild (background, education and current role)
- Approach to training speed in team sports
- Speed testing and reporting
- Hip extensor profile
- Reactive strength index profile
- Squat jump force-velocity profile
- Sprint force-velocity profile
- Recent published book chapter in the Handbook of Strength & Conditioning
- Protecting the hamstrings
- Acceleration development
- Phase & specific training considerations
- Maximum velocity development
- Example days
- Team sport vs track athletes during initial sprint acceleration - Published paper
- Caution using cues
- Why S&C coaches are not as comfortable coaching speed as they are strength
- Intern programme and getting employment as an S&C
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Sep 13, 2018
Thursday Sep 13, 2018
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast I am speaking to Head of Strength & Conditioning at Netherlands Ski & Snowboard, Rob Walsh. Rob has got a really interesting background, earning his stripes as a personal trainer before moving into roles at Middlesex University as a Senior Lecturer and then onto Harrow School as their Head of Performance. Rob is an incredibly clever dude and it was a pleasure to chat to him about his experience out in Holland. Enjoy.
- Who is Rob Walsh (background, education and current role)
- The journey
- Private schools
- Developing a system
- Facilities and coaches
- Periodisation around stress
- Personal training
- Transferable skills
- Private schools
- Snow sports
- Eccentric training
- Why - the basics
- Where and how does it fit into the plan
- Working with technical coaches
- Educating and dealing with an ingrained culture
- Agile periodisation
- What problem does it solve?
- Eccentric training
Rob can be found on Twitter @athleticevol
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Sep 20, 2018
Thursday Sep 20, 2018
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Director of Performance Nutrition and Assistant Strength & Conditioning Coach at the New York Giants, Pratik Patel. Pratik blends two roles at the Giants which is something I haven't encountered in the UK before, however it makes complete sense that someone on the nutrition side should have an in depth knowledge of physical preparation. This was a unique podcast and one that even those with no experience or in depth knowledge of nutrition can find real benefit in listening to. Enjoy.
- Who is Pratik Patel (education, background and current role)
- The current state of sports nutrition in America/College Sports/Pro Sports
- How roles have evolved for Sports Dietitians
- How a Sports Dietitian functions in a High Performance environment with a High Performance Team (and also at the professional level)
- The more non-traditional Sports Dietitian roles (dual roles) that are becoming more common in sports
- Similarities and parallels S&C and Nutrition in terms of using coaching cues to teach/educate
- Macro periodisation as it pertains to the NFL calendar
- Current sports nutrition trends and their implementation
- Vegetarianism/veganism with athletes
Pratik can be found on Twitter @Pratik7Patel
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Sep 27, 2018
Thursday Sep 27, 2018
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast I am speaking to Performance Consultant and Owner of Athletic Lab, Mike Young. Mike first came on the podcast in episode 3 so this part 2 has been a long time coming. Mike is a world renowned strength and conditioning coach with a background in track and field. As we discuss, Mike has many strings to his bow with international speaking engagements, Director of Proformance, coaching consultancy and of course, being the owner of an amazing facility in North Carolina, Athletic Lab. Enjoy.
- Who is Mike Young (background, education and current role)?
- Speed in team sports
- Profiling with limited tech
- Where do we spend our time?
- Acceleration mechanics
- Progressions
- Focusing on the detail
- Teaching large groups
- Structure
- Fitting it in during the season
- Microdosing speed
- Strength & power sessions
- Profiling with limited tech
- Eccentric training
- Benefits of that training modality
- Usability in different populations
- Planning and periodising eccentric focused exercises
- Injury risk mitigation
Mike can be found on Twitter @MikeYoung
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Oct 04, 2018
Thursday Oct 04, 2018
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Performance Enhancement Specialist and Author, Nick Grantham. I must admit, its taken me far too long to get Nick on the podcast. Nick did feature as a round table guest in a Special Football Edition of the podcast in episode #21 but it was great to get him on a podcast on his own. There are so many things I could have spoken to Nick about given his unbelievable experience but I decided on S&C for youth athletes and something that Nick has been very vocal about over the last 5 years and thats getting a job in S&C. Hopefully this will lead to a part 2 to discuss everything else. Enjoy.
- Who is Nick Grantham (education, background and current role)
- S&C for young athletes?
- Building a philosophy
- Where do we start?
- Are we obsessed with being able to quantify everything we do?
- Does this lead to a lack of creativity?
- Playing other sports?
- Building a philosophy
- Getting and keeping a job in S&C
- Education vs experience
- Are young coaches doing it wrong when it comes to getting a job?
- Creating multiple income streams
- Personal training
- Why is it looked down upon?
- What can it add to a coaches experience?
- Writing & blogging
- Volunteering?
- Personal training
- Building a 'network'
- Its not what you know, its who you know?
- 'Networking'
- How?
- Why?
Nick can be found on Twitter @coachnickg and on Instagram @zer0226
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Oct 11, 2018
Thursday Oct 11, 2018
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast I am speaking to Director of Performance & Sports Science at University of Oregon, Jace Delaney. Jace has done a couple of Audio Abstracts for me in the past, speaking through his research but it was great to get him on to chat about his view on the goings on in the applied world. I was lucky to catch Jace right now as he is brand new into a role at the University of Oregon so I really appreciate his time in coming on for a chat. Enjoy.
- Who is Jace Delaney (background, education and current role)?
- Why do we monitor athletes?
- “Invisible monitoring”
- Game speed
- What is it and how do you measure it?
- That “worst case scenario” idea has become popular, but how does that translate into training?
- Within a session
- Within a season
- Tracking fitness
- Are fitness tests necessary in team sports?
- Why is the training efficiency index a better option than a submaximal run for assessing fitness?
- Neuromuscular fatigue/readiness profiling
- Why is it necessary and is it useful?
- How can we do it with GPS?
- Accelerometer-based variables
- Force-power-velocity profiling
- Game speed
Jace can be found on Twitter @jacedelaney
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Oct 18, 2018
Thursday Oct 18, 2018
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Assistant Coach at the New South Wales Waratahs, Simon Cron. The topic of dealing with coaches and catering for what they want comes up a lot in conversations on the podcast but getting the opinion of the coach directly is something I want to do more of on the podcast. It was a privilege to speak to Simon who have such an honest chat around his thoughts on athletic development and the coaches he has worked with. Enjoy.
- Who is Simon Cron (education, background and current role)
- What makes a good athletic development coach?
- Characteristics
- Qualifications
- Athletic performance programme or rugby programme
- Emphasis - 'critical few vs important many'
- Mindset of coaches
- 'Clock driven'
- Common language
- Importance
- Examples
- Information delivery
- Data
- Discussion
- Flexibility
This episode is also sponsored by Vald Performance, the team behind the NordBord, Groinbar, HumanTrak and ForceDecks. Vald can be found at valdperformance.com and you can follow them on Twitter @valdperformance.
This episode is also sponsored by Fatigue Science. Fatigue Science combine wearable technology with biomathematical science developed by the US Army to offer fantastic insights into sleep and cognitive fatigue. Fatigue Science can be found at fatiguescience.com.
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Oct 25, 2018
Thursday Oct 25, 2018
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast I am speaking to Athletic Performance Coach at University of Richmond, Keir Wenham-Flatt. ANOTHER long overdue part 2 on this episode. Keir first came on the podcast in episode #2 and its safe to say that a lot has changed for both of us since then. Keir has since worked in the NRL, Argentina Rugby, Japanese Rugby, Richmond University and more recently with the College of William and Mary. Anyone that knows Keir (AKA Rugby Strength Coach...) will know how outspoken he is which is why he is such a great guy to speak with. You won't be disappointed. Enjoy.
Keir can be found on Twitter @rugby_str_coach
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Strength Coach at Louisiana State University, Boo Schexnayder. Boo is an absolute legend when it comes to track and field having come through a similar pathway to many who have been on the podcast with being a former physical education teacher. Boo speaks incredibly clearly on the topic of plyometrics and sprint training which compliment previous podcasts that have touched on the area such as Jason Hettler, Dan Pfaff and James Wild. Enjoy.
- Who is Boo Schexnayder (education, background, current role)
- Plyometrics
- Progressions
- Force vectors and response to plyometrics
- Structuring plyometrics in a programme
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Maximum velocity
- Where are people spending, & wasting, their time?
- Coaching the arms...
- 'Core' training
- 'Lifting' the knees
- Recovery
- Circuits
- Role of lactate
- Where are people spending, & wasting, their time?
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Nov 08, 2018
Thursday Nov 08, 2018
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Head Strength & Conditioning Coach of the St. Louis Blues in the NHL, Eric Renaghan. Eric is the only person I have had on the podcast who is currently working in the NHL which makes this an absolute honour. Previous guests who have discussed ice hockey include Matt Nichol, Doug McKenney & Kevin Carr. Eric is clearly a very smart operator and and he doesn't disappoint in this episode. Enjoy this episode with Eric Renaghan.
- Who is Eric Renaghan (education, background and current role)
- Modelling vs. Monitoring/programming
- How your data effects your decisions
- Examples of metrics collected and how they are rationalised to coaches
- Presentation and delivery of data to coaches
- How your data effects your decisions
- More progressive areas of sport nutrition
- Current philosophy and practices on sport nutrition
- Eating around travel
- Data Granularity how to get wider, deeper and faster usable data
- Examples
- Why are some programs more successful than others and the difference between sports science/winning
- Medical aspects of RTP and taking the direction of High performance into a leadership role
- Any examples of protocols in your RTP's would be great
- Maybe an example of how you would get a guy back from a adductor issue?
- Initial assessments, benchmarking, strength testing etc
- Maybe an example of how you would get a guy back from a adductor issue?
- Any examples of protocols in your RTP's would be great
Eric can be found on Twitter @EricRenaghan
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Nov 15, 2018
Thursday Nov 15, 2018
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Director of Athletic Performance for Men's Basketball at Wake Forest University, Ryan Horn. This episode with Ryan has been a long time coming. I have listened to him on a number of other podcasts and was dying to have a good chat with him. I took the conversation in a slightly different route than maybe Ryan is used to but I still think that there is so much value in this episode from a management and overall industry perspective. Given the topics in this episode, you may also be interested in my recent episodes with Nick Grantham & Keir Wenham-Flatt. Enjoy this episode with Ryan Horn.
- Who is Ryan Horn (education, background, current role)
- Coach health
- How are you assessed as Director of Athletic Performance?
- How do you assess your coaches
- Where to spend your time with basketball players
- Assessing needs
- Technology
- Strength and power training
- Inertial training
- Why?
- Movement competency
- Readiness to train
- Inertial training
- Assessing needs
- Technology
- Nice to have vs need to have
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Nov 22, 2018
Thursday Nov 22, 2018
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Boxing Science Co-Founders, Danny Wilson and Alan Ruddock. These guys have been on my radar for a long due to their amazing work they are doing in the boxing world. It was great to get 2 true Yorkshireman on to chat training. If you're interested in fighting sports, you may be interested in the episodes I did with Ric Moylan, Duncan French and Bo Sandoval. Enjoy this episode with Danny Wilson and Alan Ruddock.
- Who is Danny Wilson & Alan Ruddock (education, background and current role)
- What is Boxing Science?
- Why do fighters come to you guys?
- Business learnings
- Ultimate aim
- Challenges when training boxers
- Conditioning methods for fighters
- Changing mindsets of fighters
- Training outside of camp
- Strength & power training
- Conditioning
- Profiling of boxers fighting in different weights
- Minimum 'requirements' no matter who you are?
- Use of velocity based training
Danny can be found on Instagram @wilson_boxingscience and Alan can be found on Instragam @dr.ruddock.boxingsci
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Nov 29, 2018
Thursday Nov 29, 2018
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Owner of Mike Boyle Strength & Conditioning, Mike Boyle. This is another part 2 after Mike appeared in episode #118 and one that was inspired by a recent article in the English media (https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/maurizio-sarri-reveals-banned-lifting-13554816) which seemed to reveal that Chelsea manager Maurizio Sarri had banned his players from lifting weights.
- Who is Mike Boyle (education, background and current role)
- Chelsea FC manager quote
- S&C community reaction
- Dealing with a coach who does not align with your values
- The rise of the trap bar
- "Fast feet..."
- Ladders and do they have a place
- Injury prevention
- Hamstring
Mike can be found on Instagram @Michael_boyle1959 and on Twitter @mboyle1959
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Wednesday Dec 05, 2018
Wednesday Dec 05, 2018
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Coach and Owner of Eveltrak, Derek Evely. Enjoy this episode with Derek Evely. This is Derek's second time on the podcast after he featured in episode #51 over three years ago. Derek is most renowned for his coaching of multiple Olympics in the throwing events but also of his use of the Bondarchuk methodology. Derek has recently launched a new website (www.eveltraksport.com) and online course which works through the Bondarchuk methodology on a lot of detail. If you are interested in the coaching of the throwing events, you will love this episode. Enjoy this episode with Derek Evely.
- Who is Derek Evely (education, background, current role)
- The bondarchuk methodology
- General strength training
- Special strength exercises
- Exercise categorisation
- Exercise selection and its connection with the transfer of training
- Transfer of Bondachuk methodology to other events/sports
- Velocity based training
- How the ability to track bar velocities so easily has effected your practice
- VBT integration with Bondarchuk methodology
Derek can be found on Twitter @eveltrak
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Dec 13, 2018
Thursday Dec 13, 2018
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Reader in Exercise Physiology and Performance at St Mary's University, Stephen Patterson. Stephen is a world leader when it comes to blood flow restriction training and with a massive increase in its popularity, I thought it would be great to get some real clarity on how and when it should be used with athletes. We discuss everything from why use blood flow restriction training to placement of the cuff, which cuff provides what information and pressures to use. Enjoy this episode with Stephen Patterson.
- Who is Stephen Patterson (education, background and current role)
- Blood flow restriction
- History lesson
- Why use blood flow restriction?
- Strength
- Size
- Blood flow
- What are coaches doing?
- What does the research recommend?
- Pressure
- Position
- Exercises
- Where is the research & application heading?
Stephen can be found on Twitter @stephen_patt and on Researchgate here.
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Dec 20, 2018
Thursday Dec 20, 2018
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Head of Performance at Catalan Dragons, Rich Hunwicks. Rich is someone I have got to know very well over the last 2 years with his involvement at the Rugby Football League while I was working with Catapult. Rich is such a genuine guy and very well respected in the world of rugby league in both the UK and Australia. This episode has been a long time coming but I was so glad to get it done and have a really good chat. If you are interested in rugby league, episodes with Andrew Gray, Lachlan Wilmot and Paul Devlin may also be of interest. Enjoy this episode with Rich Hunwicks.
- Who is Rich Hunwicks (education, background, current role)
- World Cup prep (pre travel)
- Details (sleep, nutrition etc)
- World Cup (in Oz)
- Recovery between games
- Dealing with long travel
- Fusing the physical and tactical/technical
- League wide wearables deal
- World Cup prep (pre travel)
- Catalan
- Working and living in France
- Working closely with head coach
- Fusing the physical and tactical/technical
- What does training look like?
- Where are we at?
Rich can be found on Twitter @richhunwicks
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Dec 27, 2018
Thursday Dec 27, 2018
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Head of Sports Science & Research at Gold Coast Suns, Jon Bartlett. Jon is another Brit abroad which is doing great things in Australia at the Gold Coast Suns. As well as his work at the Suns, he is an Adjunct Associate Professor at Bond University. It was an absolute pleasure speaking to Jon for this episode and its great to see a Brit making such an impact overseas. If you enjoy this podcast, you may enjoy these which also feature coaches who work in AFL; Andrew Russell, Selwyn Griffith and Justin Crow. Enjoy this episode with Jon Bartlett.
- Who is Jon Bartlett (education, background and current role)
- Integrating research models into elite sport
- Developing the right questions
- Translating new knowledge into practice
- Developing softer skills in pro sport
- Reflective practice
- Communication
- Relationship building
- Emotional Intelligence
- Leadership
- Big data
- Athlete management systems
- Due diligence process
- Establishing decision support processes
- Training load predictions
- Machine learning
- Setting up a process to facilitate solid data
- Athlete management systems
Jon can be found on Twitter @jonbartlett66
This episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast is sponsored by Hawkin Dynamics, the team behind the worlds only wireless force plate system. Hawkin Dynamics can be found at hawkindynamics.com and you can follow them on Twitter @hawkindynamics
This episode is also sponsored by Fatigue Science. Fatigue Science combine wearable technology with biomathematical science developed by the US Army to offer fantastic insights into sleep and cognitive fatigue. Fatigue Science can be found at fatiguescience.com.
This episode is also sponsored by IMeasureU. IMeasureU are a world leading inertial platform to precisely quantify body movement and workload metrics in the field. IMeasureU can be found at imeasureu.com and you can follow them on Twitter @imeasureu.
This episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast is also sponsored by St Mary's University. St Mary's is widely recognised as an international leader in strength and conditioning education. St Mary's University can be found on Twitter @yourstmarys.
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Jan 03, 2019
Thursday Jan 03, 2019
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Performance Enhancement Specialist, Nick Grantham. Nick is on for a second time after the INCREDIBLE success of part 1 where we spoke about career development, internships and everything in between. I did have so much planned for a part 2 and we were going to chat about training and Nick's various role in pro sport but there seems to be a real thirst from listeners for more chat about the topics discussed in part 1. So here goes, I hope you enjoy this episode with Nick Grantham.
- Who is Nick Grantham (education, background, current role)
- Forming a career development plan
- Why?
- How?
- The new age
- Online courses
- Return on investment
- The new age
- Mentors
- Does everyone need one?
- What makes a good one?
- Does everyone need one?
- Looking after yourself when you are employed in case the (inevitable) worst happens
- Representation
- Negotiation
- Relationship building - Taking it to the next level
- Mastermind groups etc
Nick can be found on Twitter @coachnickg
This episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast is sponsored by Hawkin Dynamics, the team behind the worlds only wireless force plate system. Hawkin Dynamics can be found at hawkindynamics.com and you can follow them on Twitter @hawkindynamics
This episode is also sponsored by IMeasureU. IMeasureU are a world leading inertial platform to precisely quantify body movement and workload metrics in the field. IMeasureU can be found at imeasureu.com and you can follow them on Twitter @imeasureu.
This episode is sponsored by BLK BOX, leaders in performance training equipment & facility design. BLK BOX manufacture and distribute a full range of strength training equipment across Europe from their Headquarters in Belfast, Northern Ireland. BLK BOK can be found at blkboxfitness.com and you can follow them on Twitter @blkboxfitness and Instagram @blkboxfitness.
This episode is also sponsored by Exxentric. Exxentric is a company developing innovative, science-based training equipment and methods for strength and conditioning, including the kBox, and the kPulley. Exxentric can be found at exxentric.com and you can follow them on Twitter @go_exxentric and Instagram @go_exxentric.
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Jan 10, 2019
Thursday Jan 10, 2019
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Senior Lecturer at St Mary's University & Technical Lead at The Royal Ballet, Matt Springham. Matt comes on the podcast with a wealth of experience in both professional football (soccer) but also in academia. Matt has worked with 4 clubs in the top 2 divisions of English football and has also worked for the Football Association before moving into his current role at St Mary's University. Matt wears a number of hats as part of his role at St Mary's which makes him a very interesting guest in this episode. Enjoy this episode with Matt Springham. If you enjoyed this episode, podcasts with Mathieu Lacome and Martin Buchheit may also be of interest.
- Who is Matt Springham (education, background and current role)
- Working with the Royal Ballet
- Putting structures in place
- Demands of the sport
- What 'training' looks like for these athletes
- Gaining the skills to get a job in football (based on UKSCA article)
- Is football 'different'?
- Working at 4 clubs and the FA
- Key things you learnt along the way
- Dealing with players & staff
- Key things you learnt along the way
- Assessing load longitudinally across a season
- Sneak peak into PhD work
- What affect density of games has on players
- Practical ways of dealing with the packed Christmas period
Matt Springham can be found on Twitter @mattspringham
This episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast is sponsored by Hawkin Dynamics, the team behind the worlds only wireless force plate system. Hawkin Dynamics can be found at hawkindynamics.com and you can follow them on Twitter @hawkindynamics
This episode is also sponsored by Fatigue Science. Fatigue Science combine wearable technology with biomathematical science developed by the US Army to offer fantastic insights into sleep and cognitive fatigue. Fatigue Science can be found at fatiguescience.com.
This episode is also sponsored by IMeasureU. IMeasureU are a world leading inertial platform to precisely quantify body movement and workload metrics in the field. IMeasureU can be found at imeasureu.com and you can follow them on Twitter @imeasureu.
This episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast is also sponsored by St Mary's University. St Mary's is widely recognised as an international leader in strength and conditioning education. St Mary's University can be found on Twitter @yourstmarys.
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Jan 17, 2019
Thursday Jan 17, 2019
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Sports Scientist at Leinster Rugby, Peter Tierney and Head of Academy Strength & Conditioning at Leinster Rugby, Joe McGinley. These guys serve up a really interesting chat in this episode, mainly around the push and pull scenario between the long term development of a player and the short term need for them to be ready if called upon by the seniors. Also mixed in with that is the need for young athletes to be training at similar intensities to senior players so they are ready to go if/when they get the shout. There is so much to manage in this area and Pete and Joe give an amazing insight into how they do it at Leinster Rugby. I hope you enjoy this episode with Peter Tierney & Joe McGinley.
- Who are Peter Tierney & Joe McGinley (education, background, current role)
- Balancing long term development with short term readiness
- Building relationships with staff to aid player development
- Building individual player development plans
- Player profile - clearing the mist
- Push his Strengths, bring up his weaknesses
- Load tolerance
Peter can be found on Twitter @petertierney93 and Joe can be found on Twitter @JoeyMcGinley
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Jan 24, 2019
Thursday Jan 24, 2019
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Assistant Director of Player Development at San Francisco Giants, Geoff Head. Geoff has been at the Giants for over 10 years, working as Strength & Conditioning Coordinator, Sports Scientist and now into his current role. It was great to hear of the development of sports science and S&C over the last 10 years as well as chatting about Geoff's priority of ensuring interdepartmental staff integration with field staff and medical staff to operate as a complete unit. Hope you enjoy this episode with Geoff Head.
- Who is Geoff Head (education, background and current role)
- Creating individual physical development plans for players
- What does it look like?
- Conversations?
- Stake holders?
- Integration of field and medical staff
- Using technology to inform decisions
- Assessment of technology
- Nice vs need to have
- Ensuring player health throughout the in-season
- Screening
- Mitigating injury risk
- Recovery
Geoff Head can be found on LinkedIn.
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Jan 31, 2019
Thursday Jan 31, 2019
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Sports Performance Consultant, Fergus Connolly. Fergus comes on the podcast for a second time and if you didn't listen to the first one, make sure you check it out HERE. This episode coincides with the release of Fergus' new book, 59 Lessons which we naturally talk a lot about. However, the points below didn't quite reflect the chat as we went very off piste. I hope you enjoy this episode with Fergus Connolly.
- Who are Fergus Connolly (education, background, current role)
- Teamwork & culture
- Hiring process
- Character vs expertise vs experience
- Hiring process
- Humility and people
- Circle of trust?
- Building relationships and 'networking'
- Innovation, resilience and knowledge
- True innovation in your career?
- Difference between winning and losing
- Building a business
- Consultancy
- Books
- Content
Fergus can be found on Twitter @fergus_connolly
This episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast is sponsored by Hawkin Dynamics, the team behind the worlds only wireless force plate system. Hawkin Dynamics can be found at hawkindynamics.com and you can follow them on Twitter @hawkindynamics
This episode is also sponsored by IMeasureU. IMeasureU are a world leading inertial platform to precisely quantify body movement and workload metrics in the field. IMeasureU can be found at imeasureu.com and you can follow them on Twitter @imeasureu.
This episode is sponsored by BLK BOX, leaders in performance training equipment & facility design. BLK BOX manufacture and distribute a full range of strength training equipment across Europe from their Headquarters in Belfast, Northern Ireland. BLK BOK can be found at blkboxfitness.com and you can follow them on Twitter @blkboxfitness and Instagram @blkboxfitness.
This episode is also sponsored by Exxentric. Exxentric is a company developing innovative, science-based training equipment and methods for strength and conditioning, including the kBox, and the kPulley. Exxentric can be found at exxentric.com and you can follow them on Twitter @go_exxentric and Instagram @go_exxentric.
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Feb 07, 2019
Thursday Feb 07, 2019
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Head of Athletic Performance and Science at Irish Rugby, Nick Winkelman. This is Nick's second time on the podcast after he appeared in episode 93 well over 2 years ago. In that episode we discussed coaching science and cueing, both of which we get an update on in this episode. Irish Rugby have made incredible strides over the last 2 years and Nick has been a huge part of that so it was great to get him on for a part 2. Hope you enjoy this episode with Nick Winkelman.
- Who is Nick Winkelman (education, background and current role)
- Taking Ireland to world number 2 (Dan Grange)
- Identifying areas for improvement
- Successes
- Work still to do
- Identifying areas for improvement
- Communication with athletes (Derek Landry)
- Variation between theme of the day (recovery vs high intensity, highly technical vs low technical)
- Cueing
- Internal vs external
- Differ between weight room and movement based sessions?
- Use of analogies
- Structural vs relational
- Creating the 'right' analogy
- Individualisation
- Internal vs external
- Hamstring injuries
- Technical mastery vs strength, imbalance etc
- Self reflection
- Cueing
- Coaching
- Life
Nick Winkelman can be found on Twitter @nickwinkelman
This episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast is sponsored by Hawkin Dynamics, the team behind the worlds only wireless force plate system. Hawkin Dynamics can be found at hawkindynamics.com and you can follow them on Twitter @hawkindynamics
This episode is also sponsored by Fatigue Science. Fatigue Science combine wearable technology with biomathematical science developed by the US Army to offer fantastic insights into sleep and cognitive fatigue. Fatigue Science can be found at fatiguescience.com.
This episode is also sponsored by IMeasureU. IMeasureU are a world leading inertial platform to precisely quantify body movement and workload metrics in the field. IMeasureU can be found at imeasureu.com and you can follow them on Twitter @imeasureu.
This episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast is also sponsored by St Mary's University. St Mary's is widely recognised as an international leader in strength and conditioning education. St Mary's University can be found on Twitter @yourstmarys.
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Feb 14, 2019
Thursday Feb 14, 2019
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Professor and Sports Performance Consultant, JB Morin. I am delighted to welcome JB on the podcast for a part 2 after he appeared over 3 years ago in this episode. JB is an incredible guy and someone who I aim to catch up with in person sometime soon, hopefully. I took some questions on Twitter for this episode and was pleased to have some coaches reach out with their thoughts so thank you to those who did. Hopefully I did JB justice in trying to prize out as much knowledge as I could from JB. I hope you enjoy this episode with JB Morin.
- Who is JB Morin (education, background, current role)
- FV profiling
- The basics
- Developing an 'optimal profile' for the horizontal FV
- Resisted sprints
- Rationale
- Measuring effects
- Mechanical changes to different loads
- Optimal load?
- Hamstring injuries
- Technical mastery vs strength & symmetry
- Foot and ankle strength (~40,000 views of your foot...)
JB can be found on Twitter @jb_morin
This episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast is sponsored by Hawkin Dynamics, the team behind the worlds only wireless force plate system. Hawkin Dynamics can be found at hawkindynamics.com and you can follow them on Twitter @hawkindynamics
This episode is also sponsored by IMeasureU. IMeasureU are a world leading inertial platform to precisely quantify body movement and workload metrics in the field. IMeasureU can be found at imeasureu.com and you can follow them on Twitter @imeasureu.
This episode is sponsored by BLK BOX, leaders in performance training equipment & facility design. BLK BOX manufacture and distribute a full range of strength training equipment across Europe from their Headquarters in Belfast, Northern Ireland. BLK BOK can be found at blkboxfitness.com and you can follow them on Twitter @blkboxfitness and Instagram @blkboxfitness.
This episode is also sponsored by Kitman Labs. Kitman partners with leading sports teams to achieve consistent success, on and off the pitch. Over 150 teams across the globe use Kitman Labs' Athlete Optimization System to simplify daily operations and rely on the company's unique analytics to uncover the factors that influence success. You can find Kitman Labs at kitmanlabs.com and on Twitter @kitmanlabs.
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Feb 21, 2019
Thursday Feb 21, 2019
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Academy Strength and Conditioning Coach at Arsenal, Paudie Roche. Before moving to Arsenal in 2013, Paudie worked with the Irish National rugby union team, Munster Rugby and also with University College Cork. He was also crowned Coach of the Year (Youth Sport) by the UKSCA in 2015 so Paudie comes on the podcast with serious pedigree. I have been wanting to get more coaches on the podcast who work in youth development and Paudie certainly fits that bill, especially having being called a 'career academy coach' by his boss at the Arsenal academy, Des Ryan.
Hope you enjoy this episode with Paudie Roche.
- Who is Paudie Roche (education, background and current role)
- A 'career academy coach'
- Progressions
- Personal development
- The Arsenal approach to physical development
- Functional competence
- Movement skills
- Integrated conditioning
- Planning & periodisation
- Levels
- The coach-athlete relationship
- Bio-banding
- Developmental vs chronological age
- Management of this
- Developmental vs chronological age
- Holistic development
- Culture
- Nutrition
Paudie Roche can be found on Twitter @coach_roche_
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Feb 28, 2019
Thursday Feb 28, 2019
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Director of Performance Science at Kitman Labs and Performance Coach for the US Men's National Team, Darcy Norman. I am delighted to welcome Darcy on the podcast for a part 2 after he appeared over 3 years ago in this episode. Darcy is an incredible guy and someone I was lucky enough to grab dinner with in Rome when I was there on holiday in June 2018. A coach who has a CV to die for, Darcy is such a humble guy and is a pleasure to speak to on this podcast. Enjoy this chat with Darcy Norman.
- Who is Darcy Norman (background, experience and current role[s])
- Injuries
- 'Prediction'
- Kitman Labs view/approach
- Innovation
- Injury reduction strategies - a practical overview
- High performance structures
- Where can HP managers make the biggest impact?
- What sport can learn from business and visa versa
- Meeting the needs of the coaching staff (even when that may not align with your philosophy)
- Working with international teams
- What you've learnt on both sides of the fence
- Maximising time with players (international team and Roma/Bayern)
- Realities of being away with an international team
- Planning
- Jack of all trades
- 'Success' KPI's?
Darcy can be found on Twitter @darcynorman
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Mar 07, 2019
Thursday Mar 07, 2019
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Academy Head of Sports Science, Jon Goodwin. Jon comes on the podcast 3 weeks into a new role at Fulham after leaving the Saudi Arabian Olympic Committee when he was in charge of their strength and conditioning arm. I was lucky enough to attend St Mary's University when Jon was programme leader and he is an incredible communicator, educator and coach. In this episode, Jon chats about his thoughts on movement assessments, cueing and common misunderstandings which have been highlighted when he has been coaching the coaches over the last 25 years.
Hope you enjoy this episode with Jon Goodwin.
- Who is Jon Goodwin (education, background and current role)
- Planning and periodisation
- How much structure is needed?
- ... vs feedback and modified decision making
- ... in a chaotic football environment
- The process
- Assessments to inform planning
- Transfer of training
- Specificity
- Role of context
- Constraints led approach
- What and why?
- Organising the constraint to effect change
- Examples
- Coaching coaches
- Common misunderstandings which drive poor practice when coaching speed & COD
- Competence in the gym (strength & power) vs on the field (speed and COD etc)
Jon Goodwin can be found on Twitter @Jonnie_mechanic
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Mar 14, 2019
Thursday Mar 14, 2019
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Head of Performance Science at Cirque du Soleil, Bryan Burnstein. I am stepping firmly outside my comfort zone again and into the world of performing arts. After speaking to Matt Springham in episode 222 who is the technical lead at the Royal Ballet, I wanted to dive more into this world and see what lessons can be learnt and translated to other sports. As you will hear from Bryan, the workload on these performers is incredible and the challenges faced as a performance coach is such an environment is absolutely fascinating. I hope you enjoy this episode with Bryan Burnstein.
- Who is Bryan Burnstein (education, background, current role)
- Demands on the performers you work with
- Schedule
- Physical demands
- Psychological demands
- Injuries
- What training looks like?
- Sessions
- Examples
- General vs specific movements
- Movement assessments
- Sessions
- Physical, psychological and emotional management of performers
- Technology
Bryan can be found on Twitter @bburnstein
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Mar 21, 2019
Thursday Mar 21, 2019
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Professor of Sport and Exercise Science and Medicine, Franco Impellizzeri. I am absolutely delighted to welcome Franco Impellizzeri to the podcast. Anyone who has read any research into soccer, sRPE or training load over the last 20 years will know of Franco's work and after a 10 year spell out of sports science, he is firmly back in the game. In this episode Franco challenges many dogmas such as training load management for injury prevention, acute chronic workload ratio and periodisation.
If you enjoyed this episode, maybe you will enjoy these with Aaron Coutts and Hugh Fullagar.
Hope you enjoy this episode with Franco Impellizzeri.
- Who is Franco Impellizzeri (background, education and current role)
- Where is sports science at?
- Research
- Practice
- A history lesson
- Training load for injury prevention
- Why the popularity
- Where from here?
- Internal and external loads - 15 years on
- 'Magic cut offs and questionable metrics'
Franco Impellizzeri can be found on Twitter @francoimpell
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com below.
Thursday Mar 28, 2019
Thursday Mar 28, 2019
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Head of Rehabilitation at Everton Football Club, Matt Taberner. 18 months after the part 1 with Matt, we are on for a part 2. This episode is based around the Control-Chaos Continuum which Matt speaks about in his recent publication in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. Matt is on fire at the minute with the publications which are part of his professional doctorate so if you haven't checked them out, make sure you I hope you enjoy this episode with Matt Taberner.
- Who is Matt Taberner (education, background, current role)
- Challenges to balance research and practice in rehab
- Origins of control-chaos continuum – from the original BJSM case study
- Constraints upon movement variability linking control to chaos
- Control-chaos continuum – the process, weekly structures, individual and injury specific
Matt can be found on Twitter @matttaberner
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visit strengthofscience.com
Thursday Apr 04, 2019
Thursday Apr 04, 2019
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Programme Leader for the MSc in Strength & Conditioning at St Mary's University, Dan Cleather. Over the last 12 months, Dan has been creating a bit of a stir on Twitter with his view on a few topics. These comments have created some excellent and insightful discussion involving some of the best minds in the industry. With that in mind and given I know Dan personally from my time at St Mary's, it made complete sense to get him on the podcast to have a good chat.
If you enjoyed this episode, maybe you will enjoy this episode with Franco Impellizzeri.
Hope you enjoy this episode with Dan Cleather.
- Who is Dan Cleather (background, education and current role)
- Coaching
- Ankle range in the squat and why its rarely a factor
- Long legs, short body and visa versa - how we coach them differently
- Spotting and correcting technical errors
- Why coaches can spot errors but not correct them
- Coaches not coaching enough?
- Ankle range in the squat and why its rarely a factor
- Force
- Force velocity myth
- Implications for velocity based training
- Force vector theory
- Force 'absorption'?
- Force velocity myth
- Weightlifting
- Teaching time
- Common coaching errors/misconceptions
- A shift towards derivatives and/or alternatives
Dan Cleather can be found on Twitter @dr_jump_uk
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Apr 11, 2019
Thursday Apr 11, 2019
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Academy Strength & Conditioning Coach at Arsenal Football Club, Paudie Roche. Unlike other part 2's I have done in the past, this one with Paudie comes only weeks after part 1 because of the response we both had on the back of that. This part 2 is a little different, however. Paudie was kind enough to put a tweet out and ask for questions which listeners wanted answering, so this episode is a Q&A based on listener questions.
I hope you enjoy this episode with Paudie Roche.
- Who is Paudie Roche (education, background, current role)
- S&C in foundation phase (Culture Coach)
- Role of play
- Exposure to different sports
- Olympic lifting and its role at Arsenal (Luke Jenkinson)
- Programming
- Progressions and regressions
- Time investment
- Individualisation training (Lassi Laakso)
- Are we slowing down progress by individualising too much?
- Speed training at Arsenal academy (Neil Scanlon)
- Structure
- Focus
- Planning and programming
- Velocity based training (Ben Sayers)
- Thoughts on VBT
- Do you use it? If not, why not
- Internal and external load monitoring at Arsenal academy (Conor Cantwell)
- Biggest challenges faced as a newly qualified S&C coach (Jordan Fentiman)
Paudie can be found on Twitter @coach_roche_
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Apr 18, 2019
Thursday Apr 18, 2019
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Lead Sports Scientist and Conditioning Coach at Harlequins Rugby, Tom Batchelor. I was lucky enough to meet Tom a few weeks ago when I was hosting a panel discussion at the Kitman Labs Performance Summit. I have known of Tom for a while due to his link with Catapult but it was great to get him on the podcast for a really good chat around his work at Harlequins.
If you enjoyed this episode, maybe you will enjoy these episodes with Nic Gill, Craig Twentyman and Keir Wenham-Flatt.
Hope you enjoy this episode with Tom Batchelor.
- Training load
- What questions are you wanting to answer?
- What’s collected and how?
- What has been added and what has been removed?
- Are you combining what goes on in the gym with what goes on on the field?
- Coaches
- What questions do they want answering?
- What input do they have?
- How is information visualised for coaches
- Managjng players in season
- Readiness/wellness?
- What data is being collected?
- At what point does a reduction in load occur?
Tom Batchelor can be found on Twitter @BatchelorTom
This episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast is sponsored by Hawkin Dynamics, the team behind the worlds only wireless force plate system. Hawkin Dynamics can be found at hawkindynamics.com and you can follow them on Twitter @hawkindynamics
This episode is also sponsored by Fatigue Science. Fatigue Science combine wearable technology with biomathematical science developed by the US Army to offer fantastic insights into sleep and cognitive fatigue. Fatigue Science can be found at fatiguescience.com.
This episode is also sponsored by IMeasureU. IMeasureU are a world leading inertial platform to precisely quantify body movement and workload metrics in the field. IMeasureU can be found at imeasureu.com and you can follow them on Twitter @imeasureu.
This episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast is also sponsored by St Mary's University. St Mary's is widely recognised as an international leader in strength and conditioning education. St Mary's University can be found on Twitter @yourstmarys.
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Apr 25, 2019
Thursday Apr 25, 2019
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Lecturer at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and App Developer, Carlos Balsalobre. Pretty much everyone in the world of sports science and strength and conditioning will know Carlos' work whether that be MyJump, Runmatic or MyLift. His work has brought testing and monitoring to the masses through his innovative apps, allowing people who previously used unreliable, time consuming methods to use something that 99.9% of people have in 2019, a smart phone. This conversation with Carlos highlights to unbelievable work which goes on in the field by people who see a problem and create a solution.
I hope you enjoy this episode with Carlos Balsalobre.
- Who is Carlos Balsalobre (education, background, current role)
- Apps
- The reason behind these developments?
- Where they fit into practice?
- How you use them with your athletes?
- The future
- App and wearable tech
- Past, present and future
- Big player involvement - Apple etc
- Integration of tech into clothing
- Challenges as an applied sports scientist in Spain
- Linked to Lorena Torres and Yann Le Meur's recent article
Carlos can be found on Twitter @cbalsalobre
This episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast is sponsored by Hawkin Dynamics, the team behind the worlds only wireless force plate system. Hawkin Dynamics can be found at hawkindynamics.com and you can follow them on Twitter @hawkindynamics
This episode is also sponsored by IMeasureU. IMeasureU are a world leading inertial platform to precisely quantify body movement and workload metrics in the field. IMeasureU can be found at imeasureu.com and you can follow them on Twitter @imeasureu.
This episode is sponsored by BLK BOX, leaders in performance training equipment & facility design. BLK BOX manufacture and distribute a full range of strength training equipment across Europe from their Headquarters in Belfast, Northern Ireland. BLK BOK can be found at blkboxfitness.com and you can follow them on Twitter @blkboxfitness and Instagram @blkboxfitness.
This episode is also sponsored by the team at Notre Dame University and Australian Catholic University who are excited to host their second annual Human Performance Summit. If you want more information on the event, see the image below, visit their information page or follow them on Twitter @UND_HPS
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday May 02, 2019
Thursday May 02, 2019
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Former Sports Science Coordinator at Miami Dophins & NY Mets, and Performance Consultant, Dave Regan. Dave was introduced to me by Jo Clubb who is at the Buffalo Bills after I asked her who I should speak to about working in the NFL. Dave spent 4 years with the Dophins and 1 year with the Mets so has a great understanding of both sport but is not currently employed in either sport so was able to really lift the lid on what its like to work in them environments. I absolutely loved this chat with Dave that was not only very informative but extremely entertaining!
Hope you enjoy this episode with Dave Regan.
- Who is Dave Regan (background, education and current role)
- Miami Dolphins
- What did the programme look like when you arrived and how did that change?
- Effect of organisational leadership and how that effected practice
- Technology
- How did the inclusion of wearable tech affect your practice?
- Compliance
- NY Mets
- Strength and conditioning
- Compliance
- What did training look like?
- Influence of data on programme
- Sports science
- Data collected
- Influence of different departments
- Involvement in scouting/recruitment
- Strength and conditioning
- Industry perspectives
- Where is US sport heading?
- Would you do anything differently?
- Setting in to the US as an Aussie
Dave can be contacted via email at d.f.regan10@gmail.com
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday May 09, 2019
Thursday May 09, 2019
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Head of Athletic Performance at Connacht Rugby, Dave Howarth. This podcast sees me speaking to a member of staff from a third Irish provincial team after Adam Sheehan and Aled Walters appeared from Munster and Joe McGinley and Peter Tierney appeared from Leinster. Dave has a really interesting background having moved from Australia to the US, working for Sparta Science and onto the Oklahoma City Thunders in the NBA. From there, Dave moved over to Ireland to work with Connacht Rugby so naturally we spoke about that journey and how working in the NBA has affected his practice in Pro14 rugby.
If you enjoyed this episode you may enjoy episodes with Nic Gill, Tom Batchelor & Nick Winkelman.
I hope you enjoy this episode with Dave Howarth.
- Who is Dave Howarth (education, background, current role)
- Transition from Australia to the US to Ireland
- Difficult decisions
- Moving from a commercial environment with Sparta to working direct with a team
- Cultural differences
- Adapting to those changes
- Monitoring systems
- What you have decided to invest in and what you haven't
- Implementation and differences across countries and sports
- Dealing with different budget constraints
- Cultural differences
- Building a culture in different countries
- Staff relationships up the chain
- Information sharing
- Managing staff - Keeping them happy
Dave can be found on Twitter @dave_h165
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Tuesday May 14, 2019
Tuesday May 14, 2019
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Performance Consultant and Director of Supporting Champions, Steve Ingham. Steve has been on the hit list for some time after I have been reading his blog and keeping an eye on what his business, Supporting Champions are doing. He recently announced a webinar series to try and bridge the gap between education and work which I think is amazing idea. This focus on the emerging practitioner was the focus of half this conversation with Steve while the other half was focused on leadership and effective communication.
Hope you enjoy this episode with Steve Ingham.
- Who is Steve Ingham (background, education and current role)
- State of the industry
- Where are we heading?
- A letter to the 15,000
- Universities
- What they are doing well?
- What can be improved?
- Things you're not taught
- Student expectations?
- Universities
- Effective leadership
- Developing effective communication
- Jobs
- Interviews
- CV's & cover letters
Steve can be found on Twitter @ingham_steve and Supporting Champions can be found on Twitter @support_champs
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday May 23, 2019
Thursday May 23, 2019
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Head of Performance at South Sydney Rabbitohs, Jarrod Wade. Jarrod has recently been promoted to Head of Performance at the Rabbitohs so it was a great time for me to grab him and get him on the podcast. Because of his vast experience in the rehabilitation of athletes, the focus of this episode was around that, including programme design and injury risk reduction.
If you enjoyed this episode you may enjoy episodes with Jarrod, you may enjoy these with Matt Taberner, Hamstring Masterclass and Enda King.
I hope you enjoy this episode with Jarrod Wade.
- Who is Jarrod Wade (education, background, current role)
- Rehabilitation
- Clarity of aims
- Use of technology
- Matching game demands
- Programme design
- Building chaos into programmes
- Using sports science to do more, not less
- Are/have we set ourselves up for a fall?
- Building buy in to the rehab process
- Gaining trust as rehab specialist - confidence
- Decision making and perception
- 'Injury prevention'
- Identifying risk factors
- Testing & monitoring
- Daily/weekly interventions
- Practice evaluation - Are these working?
Jarrod can be found on Twitter @wadey142
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday May 30, 2019
Thursday May 30, 2019
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Head of Academy Sports Science & Medicine at Derby County FC, Luke Jenkinson. Luke first appeared on the podcast in episode #60 of the Pacey Performance Podcast where we spoke about how he integrated play into the academy set up at Sheffield United. Since then Luke has moved onto Derby County where he is now Head of Academy Sports Science & Medicine and is undertaking a professional doctorate. Luke is a really good friend of mine and it is no surprise that he is doing so well. When talking about a coach, people often ask, 'is he good?' and a lot of the time we don't actually see our friends and peers coaching, we just know they are a good person. However, I have seen Luke in action and know that if someone were to ask me about Luke, I would answer with, 'he's a great guy and a great coach'.
Hope you enjoy this episode with Luke Jenkinson.
- Who is Luke Jenkinson (background, education and current role)
- Influences and experiences away from S&C
- Benefits of early specialisation in a late specialisation sport
- Contradictory to current thinking
- What you see everyday in the academy re early specialisation
- Role of multisports at SUFC and DCFC
- What did you take from SUFC to DCFC?
- Impact of play on general athleticism
- Follow on from #60
- Performance enhancements
- Isometric training
- Model used
- Where it fits?
- Doctorate work
- Modified Bondarchuk model
Luke can be found on Twitter @lukegatus
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Lecturer in Musculoskeletal & Sports Injury Rehabilitation at Australian Catholic University, Jack Hickey. As well as being a lecturer, Jack is a researcher in the ACU hamstring injury group alongside previous podcast guests David Opar and Anthony Shield. As hamstring injury rates continue to rise, the area of hamstring injury rehab is only going to grow so it was great to get Jack on to give us an update on what the research is telling us and how it can relate to our practice.
Hope you enjoy this episode with Jack Hickey.
In this episode we discussed...
- Who is Jack Hickey (background, education and current role)
- Mechanism of HSI
- HSI injury rates
- Issues with traditional HSI rehab
- The part pain plays in HSI rehab
- Pain-free vs pain-threshold HSI rehab
- Eccentric compliance
- Knowing when to progress (or regress)
- Early phase eccentric loading
- Timings
- Intensity
- Examples
- Isometric training for HSI rehab
- HSI risk reduction post RTP
Jack can be found on Twitter @jackhickey89
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Associate Professor at Australian Catholic University, Shona Halson. This is the second time Shona has been on the podcast after she appeared in episode #82 and we build on a lot of the topics mentioned over 3 years ago. Shona is an expert when it comes to sleep and recovery so naturally that forms a huge part of this conversation. Shona is speaking at the ACU and Notre Dame Human Performance Summit in a couple of weeks so be sure to check her out at this amazing conference.
Hope you enjoy this episode with Shona Halson.
- Who Shona Halson (background, education and current role)?
- Sleep
- Monitoring tools
- Appraisal of current tech
- What can we trust?
- Feedback post assessment
- Insomnia
- Behaviour change
- Link to overtraining/overreaching
- Recovery modalities
- What the research says and use in practice
- Cold water immersion
- Effects on sleep
- Cryotherapy
- Compression garments
- Periodisation of recovery
- Psychological recovery
- Travel
- Travel hygiene
- Using nutrition to combat jet lag
Shona can be found on Twitter @shonahalson
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Assistant Strength & Conditioning Coach for Olympic Sports at Notre Dame, Kyle Skinner. Kyle comes on the podcast with only 2 days to go before the Notre Dame-ACU Human Performance Summit when he is talking alongside some of his Notre Dame colleagues about performance teams in collegiate sport. With that in mind, we focused on how the Notre Dame mens lacrosse performance team collaborate to maximise the teams output, both in training and on the field.
Hope you enjoy this episode with Kyle Skinner.
In this episode we discussed...
- Who is Kyle Skinner (background, education and current role)
- Performance team in college sport
- Logistics
- Where staff are situated (offices)
- Meetings
- Encouraging collaboration and communication
- Collaboration
- Athletic trainers
- Injury risk reduction
- Rehab
- Nutritionists
- Maximise performance gains and recovery
- Technical coaches
- Programming
- Meeting the demands of the sport
- Programming
- Athletic trainers
- Logistics
Kyle can be found on Twitter @k6skinner
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Jun 27, 2019
Thursday Jun 27, 2019
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Associate Athletics Director of Student-Athlete High Performance at the College of William and Mary, Erik Korem. This episode was an absolute cracker and thank you to the guys at Omegawave for making the introduction. Erik has had an incredible career starting out at Fort Valley State University and working his way to Florida State, the University of Kentucky and then onto the NFL with the Houston Texans. Erik also has a PhD from the University of Kentucky.
Hope you enjoy this episode with Erik Korem.
In this episode we discussed...
- Who Erik Korem (background, education and current role)?
- Training readiness & recovery
- HRV and DC potential
- Omegawave
- Questionnaires
- Sleep hygiene
- Recovery periodisation
- HRV and DC potential
- Training
- Strength when speed is the goal
- Testing sessions
- Specificity
- The effect of sports science in US sport
- Leadership & evaluation
- Empowering athletes
- Empowering staff
- Coach evaluation
Erik can be found on Twitter @erikkorem
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Jul 04, 2019
Thursday Jul 04, 2019
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Head of Paralympic Performance Support at the English Institute of Sport, Tom Paulson and S&C Technical Lead at English Institute of Sport, Luke Sweet. It was made aware to me a month or 2 ago that I have never had a coach on the podcast who works with Paralympic athletes, so for this episode we have two. We don't get into lots of detail around the X's and O's but this episode gives a really interesting overview of what its like to work in Paralympic sport.
Hope you enjoy this episode with Tom Paulson and Luke Sweet.
- Who are Tom Paulson and Luke Sweet (background, education and current role)?
- Needs analysis when working with different para athletes (Tom)
- Creativity
- Holistic support structures
- Examples
- Working with sprint canoe (Luke)
- Demands of the sport
- What training looks like
- Comparisons between Olympic and Paralympic programmes
- Mental health support across Olympic and Para programmes
- What support is given
- How support has changed
- Challenges in this area
Tom can be found on Twitter @tom_paulson and Luke can be found on Twitter @sweet077
This episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast is sponsored by Hawkin Dynamics, the team behind the worlds only wireless force plate system. Hawkin Dynamics can be found at hawkindynamics.com and you can follow them on Twitter @hawkindynamics
This episode is also sponsored by IMeasureU. IMeasureU are a world leading inertial platform to precisely quantify body movement and workload metrics in the field. IMeasureU can be found at imeasureu.com and you can follow them on Twitter @imeasureu.
This episode is sponsored by BLK BOX, leaders in performance training equipment & facility design. BLK BOX manufacture and distribute a full range of strength training equipment across Europe from their Headquarters in Belfast, Northern Ireland. BLK BOK can be found at blkboxfitness.com and you can follow them on Twitter @blkboxfitness and Instagram @blkboxfitness.
This episode is also sponsored by Kitman Labs. Kitman partners with leading sports teams to achieve consistent success, on and off the pitch. Over 150 teams across the globe use Kitman Labs' Athlete Optimization System to simplify daily operations and rely on the company's unique analytics to uncover the factors that influence success. You can find Kitman Labs at kitmanlabs.com and on Twitter @kitmanlabs.
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Jul 11, 2019
Thursday Jul 11, 2019
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to three hamstring injury experts, Josh Ruddy, Ryan Timmins and Jack Hickey. I am aiming to get a roundtable podcast every month focusing on key areas affecting practitioners and featuring 3 experts together in that area. Kicking us off is the topic of hamstring injuries and features three guys who are at the heart of the research in this area and are part of the ACU hamstring injury group. These three, although part of the same research group have three distinct areas of focus, Josh looking at injury prediction, Ryan on reducing hamstring injury risk and Jack on hamstring rehabilitation.
Hope you enjoy this episode with Josh Ruddy, Ryan Timmins and Jack Hickey.
In this episode we discussed...
- Who are Josh Ruddy, Ryan Timmins and Jack Hickey (background, education and current role)?
- Predicting hamstring injuries
- Links to various metrics?
- Magic numbers
- Predictive modelling
- Links to various metrics?
- Basics...
- Fascicle length
- Pennation angle
- Muscle thickness
- Reducing HSI risk
- Prior injury
- Asymmetries
- Magic percentages
- Strength
- Exercise selection
- Nordics
- Alternatives
- Compliance
- Hamstring rehab
- Gym based programmes
- Examples of progressions
- Running based programmes
- Examples of progressions
- Gym based programmes
Josh can be found on Twitter @joshua_ruddy, Ryan can be found on Twitter @ryan_timmins and Jack can be found on Twitter @jackhickey89
This episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast is sponsored by Hawkin Dynamics, the team behind the worlds only wireless force plate system. Hawkin Dynamics can be found at hawkindynamics.com and you can follow them on Twitter @hawkindynamics
This episode is also sponsored by Fatigue Science. Fatigue Science combine wearable technology with biomathematical science developed by the US Army to offer fantastic insights into sleep and cognitive fatigue. Fatigue Science can be found at fatiguescience.com.
This episode is also sponsored by IMeasureU. IMeasureU are a world leading inertial platform to precisely quantify body movement and workload metrics in the field. IMeasureU can be found at imeasureu.com and you can follow them on Twitter @imeasureu.
This episode is also sponsored by Omegawave, the only non-invasive readiness technology to assess both brain and heart. Omegawave can be found at omegawave.com and you can follow them on Twitter @omegawave.
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Jul 18, 2019
Thursday Jul 18, 2019
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Performance Nutrition Lead at Men's Canada Basketball, Marc Bubbs. Its been a while since I had a nutritionist on the podcast and Marc and I have been speaking a while about making this happen so it was great to finally get him on. With the basketball World Cup on the horizon and his new book having just come out, there was plenty to talk about. It seems that the connection between strength and conditioning and nutrition is stronger and stronger which is great to see and this was definitely echoed again in this episode.
If you liked this episode with Marc Bubbs, you may like this episode with Pratik Patel.
Hope you enjoy this episode with Marc Bubbs.
- Who is Marc Bubbs (background, education and current role)?
- Team sport nutrition
- Pre-season vs. in-season fueling
- Half-time nutrition
- Compressed schedules (could talk about Canada Basketball going to World Cup in Sept)
- Real-life problems fueling athletes - compliance
- Importance of 'athlete health' in the whole nutrition story
- Emotions & mindset - how emotions drive behaviours (implications for nutrition/fueling)
- Expert-generalism - the value of adding breadth to knowledge base (even for specialists)
Marc can be found on Twitter @drbubbs
This episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast is sponsored by Hawkin Dynamics, the team behind the worlds only wireless force plate system. Hawkin Dynamics can be found at hawkindynamics.com and you can follow them on Twitter @hawkindynamics
This episode is also sponsored by IMeasureU. IMeasureU are a world leading inertial platform to precisely quantify body movement and workload metrics in the field. IMeasureU can be found at imeasureu.com and you can follow them on Twitter @imeasureu.
This episode is sponsored by BLK BOX, leaders in performance training equipment & facility design. BLK BOX manufacture and distribute a full range of strength training equipment across Europe from their Headquarters in Belfast, Northern Ireland. BLK BOK can be found at blkboxfitness.com and you can follow them on Twitter @blkboxfitness and Instagram @blkboxfitness.
This episode is also sponsored by Kitman Labs. Kitman partners with leading sports teams to achieve consistent success, on and off the pitch. Over 150 teams across the globe use Kitman Labs' Athlete Optimization System to simplify daily operations and rely on the company's unique analytics to uncover the factors that influence success. You can find Kitman Labs at kitmanlabs.com and on Twitter @kitmanlabs.
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.
Thursday Jul 25, 2019
Thursday Jul 25, 2019
In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, I am speaking to Senior Lecturer at Macquarie University, Tim Doyle. I am delighted to get Tim on the show to discuss his work in the military and his research and PhD supervision which involves the use of inertial sensors in rugby league. With a number of clubs around the world becoming interested in the use of tibial worn inertial sensors I thought it would be great to get Tim's insights into this area. Outside the world of biomechanics, many people may not have heard of Tim but if you're not following him and his work, you should be.
Hope you enjoy this episode with Tim Doyle.
In this episode we discussed...
- Who is Tim Doyle (background, education and current role)?
- Load management in sport and military
- Are we missing a piece of the puzzle?
- What can be inferred from GPS and what can't?
- Internal measures
- Forgotten about?
- Your work in the military and customs and impact its having on practice
- Daniel Glassbrook's work at South Sydney Rabbitohs
- Applied research
- Internal validation work (clubs getting to know their tech)
- Simple processes and due diligence
- Asking the right questions
- Process for success
- Working alongside a university as a practitioner
- Internal validation work (clubs getting to know their tech)
Tim can be found on Twitter @tladoyle
This episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast is sponsored by Hawkin Dynamics, the team behind the worlds only wireless force plate system. Hawkin Dynamics can be found at hawkindynamics.com and you can follow them on Twitter @hawkindynamics
This episode is also sponsored by Fatigue Science. Fatigue Science combine wearable technology with biomathematical science developed by the US Army to offer fantastic insights into sleep and cognitive fatigue. Fatigue Science can be found at fatiguescience.com.
This episode is also sponsored by IMeasureU. IMeasureU are a world leading inertial platform to precisely quantify body movement and workload metrics in the field. IMeasureU can be found at imeasureu.com and you can follow them on Twitter @imeasureu.
This episode is also sponsored by Omegawave, the only non-invasive readiness technology to assess both brain and heart. Omegawave can be found at omegawave.com and you can follow them on Twitter @omegawave.
Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com.